Mike wearing a blue jumper over a light blue work shirt

Michael James Afton | 24 | He/Him

Mike has carried the guilt of hurting CC with him and it has not gotten better.

He moved with his mom back to England and turned into an outright recluse, never travelling with his mom to see his dad or siblings. He grew really close with his grandparents, spending the majority of his time with them when his mom was away. School flew by for him with very few friends and he immediately started working once he could. Eventually, he finds himself quickly working up the corporate ladder and is offered a position over in America with a much higher pay. He had planned on never telling his dad's side of the family but he assumes his mom might have played a part in them finding out.

William insists he visits once a week and even though it feels like he's gonna throw up whenever he enters the building, he figures he should atleast try to mend his relationships with his siblings for his dad's sake. He's just not sure if he deserves it.

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Michael pretty much speaks only when spoken to or when he feels what he has to say has some importance. His coworkers just assume he's quiet or that he thinks he's better than them which is NOT the case. This dude has like a hundred rampant thoughts going through his head at all times that he just chooses to stay silent since he can't make sense of it all. When someone catches him by surprise in a conversation he becomes a dear in headlights, usually just staring at them with wide eyes until he can think of something to say. Besides that, he appears to be a pretty calm dude on the outside, stoic and contemplative.

Mike takes after his dad ALOT. He is self-conscious about the scars on his arms from the 83' incident, mostly because it raises alot of questions and having to answer them reminds him of what he did. Eventually, he will become comfortable enough around his family to not care if they are visible but for now he keeps his arms covered everywhere besides his apartment.